April Council Meeting Update
The regular meeting of council for April , 2020 will be held April 14, 2020 at 9am using Zoom.
If you would like to join the meeting please email the office at [email protected]
The regular meeting of council for April , 2020 will be held April 14, 2020 at 9am using Zoom.
If you would like to join the meeting please email the office at [email protected]
Jan. 28-Feb.3, 2020
For holidays
Feb. 4 ,6-7, 2020
Regular office hours
PLEASE CALL Jason @ 831-8881
For Highway 31 overweight permits call 882-4030.
Safely dispose of unwanted or obsolete agricultural pesticides and livestock medications – no charge! Take them to the following locations on the dates noted below between 10:00 AM – 4:00 PM.
For more information, contact Cleanfarms Saskatchewan toll free at 1-877-622-4460 or visit www.cleanfarms.ca.
Carry a fire extinguisher in your vehicle.
Talk to landowners before going on their land.
Avoid unnecessary vehicle idling.
Walk whenever possible.
Stay on existing trails.
Keep your vehicle out of tall grass – stick to roads and trails. Mufflers and other parts can get hot enough to start a fire.
When setting up your camp, pick an area free of tall grass.
Seek landowner permission before accessing private lands, whether they are posted or not.
Be prepared, carry a fire extinguisher, shovel, or other tools.
LEARN MORE AT saskatchewan.ca/hunting
The 2017 Tax Notices and Ratepayer Newsletter was mailed to all ratepayers on Friday, August 18. Watch for it in your mail box or if you just can’t wait – download the newsletter HERE
Phone: 1-844-476-3825
Email: [email protected]
Fax: 1-844-756-3825